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Clean Eating 101: Nicecream

Clean Eating 101: Nicecream

Ever thought ice cream, topped with lavish, crunchy toppings, sauce and sugary goodness could be good for you AND guilt free? No really, I'm not kidding.

Enter 'nice-cream'. This healthy, clean and vegan version of icecream has been the vegan society's hidden gem, a creamy consistency that can be flavoured however you want, with little to no preparation time at all. No icecream churners to wait around on, this dish is low in fat, high in taste. The secret? Bananas. Yep, these fruits, when frozen and blended up, create such a smooth consistency that can be enjoyed along, or paired with other flavours, strawberry and banana being my personal weakness.

Here are some tips to creating the perfect nicecream:

1. Chop up 4-5 bananas

This is the perfect amount for one bowl. The more ripened and brown, the sweeter the end product will be- a perfect way of using those near-blackened bananas that you didn't think you'd be able to eat.

2. Freeze for 4-24 hours

This is probably the most preparation you'll have to do, and it's incredibly easy. You can even freeze sections of pre-weighed banana in seperate freezer bags so you know that you always have a supply of ready-make icecream nearby.

3. Defrost

Either wait 5-10 mins until the outer parts of the banana sections are softened, or, if like me and you simply can't wait that long, put the bananas in a colander or sieve and run under lukewarm water for 30 seconds, until the pieces seperate and soften. (Not too much though, or you'll get a cold smoothie bowl instead, although that's never a bad thing either...)

4. Add your flavour

I freeze chopped up strawberries which I defrost alongside the banana and blend with it. 

5. Blend

If your blender isn't that high a power, then you may need to defrost for slightly longer, and then refreeze your icecream mix for 20-30 mins so that it hardens up again. If not, then you can chuck all the ingredients you want in, and whizz away for around 20 seconds for a quick sugar hit.

6. Serve

Now this is where it gets interesting. Add chopped nuts, dried fruit, mulberries, figs, more bananas, freshly chopped strawberries, cacao nibs, or granola! You can also drizzle with a chocolate sauce or blended up summer berries for and added flavour dimension.

7. Enjoy!

It's worth the brain freeze. Promise.

Recipe Ideas:

Banana with...

  • Mango & a squeeze of lime, topped with granola and almond slices
  • 1-2 tbsp of cacao powder, topped with cacao nibs and pecan nuts
  • Pineapple, topped with blueberries and mint leaves

 Can't decide? Make a batch of each and swirl them together in a bowl! I hope you enjoy whipping up some tasty nicecream.

  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #banana   #chocolate   #recipe   #healthy   #tips   #nutrition   #alternative   #desserts   #clean   #eating   #nicecream   #icecream

View Comments
115 months ago
Can't wait to try it - big fan of frozen fruit but been a bit too lazy to go the extra mile with the toppings, will give it a go, thanks for the inspiration. Tried with granola the other day and love it!


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