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What To Do With Figs

What To Do With Figs

Figs aren’t always the most popular item on the household shopping list, so don't be put off if you're not quite sure what to do with them! The good news is that figs are delicious, incredibly versatile, plus they make an amazing addition to our diets. 

With a high fibre content, figs are known to be quite the natural laxative. Incorporate these and other fresh fruit, vegetables and grains into your daily diet for a helping hand! Amongst other healthy benefits, figs can increase potassium in the body. Potassium encourages lower blood pressure and provides an all-round boost for our insides!

As fresh fig season comes to an end in autumn, it’s time to get adventurous and start making some different and flavoursome dishes. Here are a few ideas: 

In Pies & Tarts

Sweet or savoury? Or both? If you’re strapped for time then topping a puff pastry base with sweet and juicy figs is a lovely way to use them. Don’t stop there though - layer your pastry dish with slices of creamy brie before popping in the oven - it's a match made in heaven! You could also try using English goats cheese, stilton or feta - they all taste great!


If you don’t add figs to your smoothies then you’re truly missing out - they’re naturally sweet, meaning they can mask some of the earthy tastes associated with green smoothies. Plus, they're highly nutritious too. You can’t go wrong with a fig, goji berry, banana and strawberry smoothie to get you going in the morning. 

On Pizza

Forget pineapple - ham and fig is the new couple on the block, especially crispy prosciutto ham. Finely slice the figs and layer with other tasty toppings such as goats cheese, caramelised onions and a balsamic glaze (go the extra mile and use a cauliflower base for a carb-free, super healthy pizza).

For Breakfast

Or a late night snack - no one’s judging. Caramelise figs in a non-stick pan with a generous serving of honey. Sprinkle on cinnamon and add goji berries and mixed nuts, then serve with greek yoghurt for a deliciously indulgent breakfast.

Figs are in season right now here in the UK, so don't miss the chance to snap-up a few while you can! Let me know if you have any other suggestions or fig recipes to try. 

  #Food & Drink   #clean eating   #fruit   #vegetarian   #autumn   #Cooking & baking tips   #figs   #healthy food

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