Easy Acai Bowl
If you follow any of the numerous health bloggers, Instagrammers or Tumblr-posters, then you've probably heard of acai. If you haven't, here's the low down: acai is a purple-ish berry, which has been subject to the health foodie spotlight due to it's health benefits and claim to superfoodom. Acai is said to be rich in antioxidants and flavonoids and it also has anti- ageing and weight loss properties. On top of this this, acai is delicious and so, the acai bowl was born.
There are a few different acai bowl recipes, as you can vary the fruits, add different liquids, or even add in some greens. This recipe is a super simple and basic version, so it can be made quickly, easily and affordably.
(Serves 1)
- 2 frozen bananas
- 1/2 cup fresh mixed berries (e.g. strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
- Splash of non-dairy milk
- 1.5 tbsp. acai powder
- Optional toppings
Simple blend the bananas, berries, non-dairy milk and acai together in a blender. Adjust the amount of liquid you use, according to the consistency that you like. I like it thick and creamy - alomst like ice cream - so I don't add much at all. Once you're done pour it out into a bowl and add your toppings. These could be anything you like - fresh or dried fruit, nuts, seeds, nut butter, granola, coconut. The options are endless! What would you top your acai bowl with?
#Healthy Living #smoothie #banana #breakfast #healthy #fruit #vegan #coconut #ice cream #Vegan #low fat #acai #dairy free #plant based #delicious #strawberry #smoothie bowl #bowl #nice cream #nut butter #berry #high carb #blender #toppings
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