Three surprising benefits to eating cherries
Cherries are one of those perfect between season foods - delicious in summer but still around in early autumn too. Here are three surprising benefits to eating this small but might fruit.
1. Cherries contain melatonin which helps to control the body's sleep cycle and can help you sleep more deeply and regulate your body clock. (Perfect for a season when the clocks change!)
2. Cherries contain an anti-inflamattory which can help reduce swelling and sooth stomach illnesses.
3. Cherries are also high in Vitamin C (helps general immune health), Vitamin B6 (helps digestion) and potassium (can help circulation and reduce the risk of strokes).
Let's make sure we all grab some of these delicious and healthy fruits while we can.
#Food & Drink #health #Food guides & reviews #fruit #sleep #cherries
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