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5 tips to eat healthy whilst working from home

5 tips to eat healthy whilst working from home

You’re working through a piece of work and find yourself a bit peckish after lunch. Next minute, you find yourself in the kitchen munching on a couple of biscuits. Or you’re probably so engrossed in a project that you’ve finally discovered you haven’t had any food whatsoever for the whole day.

You’re most likely working from home because of the lockdown guidelines that have been put in place due to COVID-19. This can easily encourage bad habits due to the comfort of being in your own home. However, your nutritional health is important when working from home.

To avoid these bad habits when working from home, consider these tips:

Don’t work near your kitchen or pantry

It can be extremely tempting to grab a snack when it’s closeby. You’re constantly looking at it and subconsciously, it’s making you more hungry at the thought of eating it. To avoid this, try to set up your workstation in an area that’s not near the kitchen and be strict with your routine in that the only time you’ll enter the kitchen is on your work lunch. 

Stick to your eating times

The same way you’d schedule your work schedule, do the same with your eating times. If you keep a consistent schedule with your eating times, it can help you digest your food easier and keep you in a routine that you can stick to.

If you know you like a snack in the late afternoon, put this in your schedule too. Just make sure the snack that you eat is relatively healthy and won’t compromise your mood when you work i.e. make you feel sluggish. 


It can be easy to get caught up in work projects as you look to complete what you need to do within the day. This can sometimes make you skip meal times and feeling run down later in the day as a result.

However, it’s important that you act on the hunger signs that you’re feeling. If you’re not eating, it can seriously impact your productivity and your focus. Eating consistently throughout the day can also prevent the pending 6 o’clock chow down that you’re anticipating later in the day.

Meal prep

When you’re unsure about what to eat, it can be easy to find something in the snack draw that’s convenient for you to eat in minutes. Try to avoid this by meal prepping your lunch the night before. This can encourage healthier eating habits and save you having to think about using up time preparing your meal.

For many of us, working from home is becoming more of a long term reality. Whether you work as a corporate solicitor or a web developer, the same rules still apply when it comes to eating healthily at home. We each follow a schedule with our work, so we should look to do the same with our eating schedule too.

  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #healthy   #snacks   #healthyeating   #tips   #healthyfood   #workfromhome

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