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The Best Way to Cook Bacon, by Founder of Award-Winning Butchery and Deli

The Best Way to Cook Bacon, by Founder of Award-Winning Butchery and Deli

Anyone who’s luckily had the pleasure of enjoying a full English breakfast - baked beans, fried tomato, eggs and all, can agree that bacon plays a critical role at breakfast for all Brits. The history of our beloved bacon rasher is an international affair and has passed through many countries, but very few nations have elevated bacon into an art like the British did. 

A full English breakfast just isn't the same without traditional British bacon, and it’s only in Britain that bacon holds a long cultural tradition that lasts until this day. However, the curing of the bacon and the cut of the meat varies as times change. We’ve asked Chris, Founder of award-winning Deli and Butchery, The Chopping Block, to give us his favourite tips and tricks when it comes to cooking the best bacon at home. (We were also lucky enough to get a secret Chef’s recipe out of him!)

Chris champions sustainable, exceptional ingredients and high welfare livestock, providing a carefully curated selection of the finest fresh meat and cheese for all food lovers. The Chopping Block in Penrith is a small but perfectly formed team working together with independent suppliers to bring an award-winning Butchery & Deli that’s a cut above in every way… pun intended. 

This is what Head Chopper Chris suggests when buying bacon.

Start off with buying Rind on Streaky Bacon from the butchers. 

“Using a pair of scissors, trim the rind away from the streaky bacon and grill alongside until puffed and crispy, to add an extra bit of crunch to your Full English.” 

Chef’s special Smoked Pancetta and Beef Jus recipe.

“Fry off Pancetta and Shallots till brown. Deglaze the pan with red wine.

Add a good quality beef stock and cranberry sauce.

Reduce till glossy and thick.

Season to taste, perfect with a steak!”

Sounds delicious. Let us know in the comments below if you’ve tried the Chef’s special recipe (or if you’re going to!). 

The Chopping Block has incredible meal boxes that get delivered straight to your home from their Deli & Butcher shop, like their popular Butcher's Box for Four that contains a selection of their best cuts, their Pancake Brunch Box that contains everything you need (streaky bacon included!) to prepare a perfect brunch at home, as well as many gift sets that are bound to bring inspiration into your kitchen like their Spanish Gourmet Gift Set and many more.

Visit The Chopping Block shop or see here for all meat delivery

  #Food & Drink   #Recipes & Meal Ideas   #meal boxes   #meat delivery   #fresh meat delivery   #bbq boxes   #award winning butcher   #streaky bacon recipe

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