Yumbles Makers Meet-up: Highlights
A hot and sunny day in early June in the heart of London saw many of the UK’s most talented small food producers gather together for the inaugural Yumbles Makers Meet-up.
The venue: a vaulted loft on the 4th floor of a buzzing shared working space in Angel, Islington. The absence of a lift and sweltering heat didn’t deter the energetic foodpreneurs from sprinting up some 200 stairs and burning a dizzying 100 calories as announced by the welcome sign at the top. Everyone was rewarded for their efforts with refreshments including a platter of mouth-watering Tipple Tails fruit cakes.
Networking was inter mingled with lively presentations spanning topics such as plans for your Yumbles marketplace, how to get the word out there about your brand, the 5 steps to success online and a detailed view at the myriad of ways you can benefit from Yumbles marketing.
A big thank you to guest speaker Monique Borst for sharing her food business wisdom and also to Yumbles maker Jane from Tipple Tails for sharing her fabulous cakes. And last but not least to all of the other fantastic Yumbles makers who attended and made it such an engaging and lively event.
We’re thrilled to hear such great feedback from the event. It is very much intended to be the start of an ongoing series so stay tuned for the next Yumbles Makers Meet-up…
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