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The Spirit of One

The Spirit of One


Remarkable drinks made with the mission of providing clean water to those in need with a unique sustainable twist.

The Spirit Of One, renowned for their exquisite One Gin, marries a love for premium craft spirits with a noble mission. Founded on World Water Day in 2017, their journey traces back to co-founder Duncan's eye-opening encounter with water scarcity during Hurricane Mitch in 1998. This profound experience ignited the creation of the ethical brand, One Water, setting the stage for their current venture.

Today, they craft exceptional spirits distilled with fresh sage and presented in a uniquely sustainable bottle: Remove the labels after you have finished enjoying the spirit and you have an elegant water carafe, engraved with 'water' on the front face.

Run by a husband and wife team in scenic Richmond upon Thames, Ian, and Cecile bring their expertise in advertising, branding, and digital innovation to the table. Their ethos centres around the belief in the butterfly effect – the notion that small acts can lead to great change. With a warm and welcoming tone, The Spirit Of One invites you to savour their remarkable drinks and join their mission of providing clean water to those in need.