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Comté Mature Grande Reserve Cheese

Comté Mature Grande Reserve Cheese

Comté is an exceptional French cheese from the from the Franche-Comté region.

It is a cheese of concentrated flavour, featuring brown-butter and roasted-nut aromas and a sweet finish.

Jura wines from Comté region are a classic pairing for this unique cheese.

This Comté from The French Comte has not only won more medals than any other any Comté at the Prestigious "Concours General Agricole" in Paris, but also a Super Gold medal at the world cheese awards!

The Comté is matured for a number of months, and the different lengths of maturation give cheeses with different features:

  • 12-18 months - A smooth and creamy cheese, this is the best for everyday use. Sure to suit everybody.
  • 18-24 months - Sweet with a fruity flavour. It is well balanced making it the favourite of most cheese lovers.
  • 24-30 months - With nutty flavours this Comté steps up the aromas and starts to get slightly crunchy and sharp.
  • 36-42 months - Sweet and nutty, this is the most exceptional Comté, of which The French Comte only product five wheels out of every 1,000. It is full of crystals and crunchy, with a strong and sharp after taste. Just a small chunk will give you a burst of long lasting flavour. 

Choose your preferred Comté type and size using the options available.

The French Comte's range of finest handcrafted produce aims to bring the authentic flavours of the Franche-Comté mountains to the UK. 

They source their products direct from the producers, with every supplier being carefully chosen for their ethics and quality.

Artificial ingredients free
Artificial ingredients free
Ethically sourced
Ethically sourced

Raw cow's milk, lactic culture, Salt, animal rennet.


Allergy Advice:

Reviewed by

Great service and delicious products , the Morbier cheese is very special.

Morbier 45 Days Matured Cheese

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I ordered this for my son, amongst other things and this was his absolute favourite, he says it is excellent.

Bresi Smoked Beef

Reviewed by

Superb cheese, to remind you of happy days in France.
Worth every penny.

Morbier 45 Days Matured Cheese

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I ordered vegan cheese for my daughter and grandson as a gift for Easter, which has arrived at their house. I also ordered this meat which I assumed was vegan again, as not being a vegan myself, I went for a site I presumed was vegan. Imagine my disappointment when my daughter had the meat and phoned me to tell me she had received non Vegan meat so therefore they would not be able to eat it, would have to freeze it, and when all this present situation finishes 8 will possibly end up having it !
Very disappointed

Bresi Smoked Beef

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The smoked beef is sublime. Flavoursome enough to only need simple accompaniment.
Thank you!

Bresi Smoked Beef

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Lovely aged Comte and delicious cured meats - perfect with a glass (or two!) of red!

Morbier 45 Days Matured Cheese

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