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Super Simple Peanut Butter Balls

Super Simple Peanut Butter Balls

I'm a total peanut butter addict - honestly I cannot get enough of the stuff. The number of times I've been caught red handed eating it out of the jar with a spoon (don't judge me), well I've just lost count. I even used to carry a pot around in my handbag for 'emergencies' (hey I said no judging)!

But it turns out I'm not alone; when I went to the States a couple of months ago I realised that the U S of Awesome also shares my undying love for all things 'PB' - just about every candy bar or chocolate biscuit is full of the stuff, and it got me thinking. Whilst I'm not an advocate of sugar-laden confectionary, they were really on to something here!

So when I got home I got in the kitchen and created these babies - with only four ingredients they are so easy to make, pretty cost effective and insanely delicious. I try to make a batch of them at the weekend, and pop a couple in a tupperware for healthy snacking if I'm on the go. They're also great as a post workout snack, as the peanuts are packed with protein and good fats to energise and restore your body.

Makes 15-20 golden balls of delicious, depending on size


  • 200g peanuts
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups dates (if your dates aren't super soft I recommend soaking them in some warm water for about an hour to make sure they blend nicely)

Roast the peanuts on a baking tray at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Once cooled, pop them in a food processor with the salt and vanilla and whizz until smooth (NB don't worry if it's not Ryan Gosling smooth, as a little crunchiness will only add to the flavour!)

Spoon the PB into a bowl and put the dates in your food processor to blend. Whizz up until they are all lovely and sticky and form a thick paste.

Then, in a bowl, combine the dates with the PB and mix it all up good. With your hands, roll the mixture into balls and store in the fridge.

I hope you love them as much as I do - let me know what you think! 

  #Healthy Living   #Gluten free   #healthy   #snacks   #vegan   #raw   #healthyeating   #paleo   #sugar free

View Comments
106 months ago
As a member of the peanut butter addicts club I will definitely try these ! :)
106 months ago
I'll second that! I bet they're amazing - will have to try these at home!


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