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Cinnamon Apple Wholemeal Waffles (Vegan)

Cinnamon Apple Wholemeal Waffles (Vegan)

Why not try them apples outside of the traditional crumble or classic apple pie? These cinnamon apple wholemeal waffles have a few added healthy benefits too.

As well as being made with wholemeal flour, they use chia seeds in places of eggs; chia remains stable and keeps its goodness even after being cooked at high temperatures, making these waffles a great source of fibre, protein, omega 3 and more.

These were made using spiralised apples but, if you don't have a spiraliser, they would work equally as well finely chopped or thinly sliced.


  • 150g wholemeal flour
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 2tbsp lucuma powder or brown sugar
  • 2 chia "eggs" (1 egg = 1tbsp milled chia seeds mixed with 3tbsp water to form a gel)
  • 1tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 215ml almond milk or dairy-free milk of your choice
  • 60g dairy-free margarine, melted
  • 500g apples (pre coring), spiralised, grated or cut into thin strips
  • 1tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2tbsp water


In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and lucuma. In a separate bowl, add the chia eggs and vanilla bean paste and mix well. Add the almond milk a little at a time, stirring well, to combine with the chia mix.

Create a hole in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the chia mix slowly, stirring as you go to form a batter. Be careful not to overmix - it doesn't need to be completely smooth. Add the melted butter and gently mix in. Set aside for ten minutes.

Now add the spiralised apple, cinnamon and water into a large pan. Heat over a medium high heat, simmer for ten minutes to soften the apples. Turn on the waffle maker to warm up. Add the apples to the waffle batter and add around a quarter of the batter into the waffle maker. Press and cook according to your machine and preference (I prefer a medium setting). 

Cook until golden brown, remove from the machine and place on a piece of kitchen paper to prevent it becoming soggy. Repeat for each waffle. Serve with plant-based honey, syrup or a date caramel sauce.

  #Healthy Living   #chia seeds   #breakfast   #dessert   #vegetarian   #vegan   #Vegan   #waffles

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