Vegetarian? Your BBQ Survival Guide
Navigating a barbecue as a vegetarian can be daunting - and not because there's a lack of options for you to eat! The more stressful element, certainly for me, is avoiding cross-contamination whilst not offending anyone else (especially when they were only trying to help by flipping your veggie burger using meaty utensils).
So here are my top tips for a happy, smooth-running and veggie-friendly barbecue:
1. Talk to your host beforehand
They might not have even considered things like separate utensils or a dedicated area of the barbecue just for veg food. Have a chat with them and see what the set-up will be so you can both prepare accordingly. They will probably be relieved you brought it up and can help!
2. Bring your own extras
If you’re not sure what the grill situation will be, or if you know there won’t be much separate space for you, come prepared with plenty of food that doesn’t need to go over the coals at all to avoid having to go hungry. Salads, flavoured hummus and summery filo pies are all ideal options.
3. Bring a disposable BBQ
I wouldn’t recommend a single-use item very often, but as a one-off this can be a great way to still enjoy the barbecue but know there’s no chance your food will be alongside meat.
4. Choose foil-wrapped dishes
Lots of vegetables cook perfectly wrapped in foil, particularly if they would be too soft to go on the open bars, and this forms an inconspicuous barrier between meat on the grill and your veggies.
5. Show off!
No really, bring along unusual dishes that other guests wouldn’t expect to see on a barbecue to show them how imaginative and versatile veggie food is. Think barbecued fruit like these Cinnamon Caramel Nectarines photographed above or pulled jackfruit for something really creative.
Once you’ve got the food sorted, you can get on with enjoying a stress-free barbecue with great company! What tips would you add to this list?
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