rawCo Coconut Flour - all you need to know
We have recently added Coconut Flour to our product range, and you might wonder, ‘What do I do with coconut flour’? What is in it and how is it made? Well, carry on reading….
What is coconut flour?
Coconut flour is the by-product of coconut milk/oil production. After the coconut meat is pressed and defatted, it is dried and then ground to make a fine flour. The result is an off-white/cream powder with a subtle hint of creamy coconut on the nose, but not at all overpowering.
What are the benefits of coconut flour?
Gluten-free: Coconut flour is naturally gluten-free, making it an ideal substitute for other wheat or grain based flours. Coeliacs and gluten intolerant folks can still enjoy delicious baked goodies.
High Fibre content: Unlike other flours, coconut flour roughly contains 75% fibre. Fibre is essential for the maintenance of healthy digestive system. It is keeps you feeling full longer, and as it is indigestible, is less likely to cause a blood sugar spike.
Higher in Protein: Coconut flour contains more protein than wheat flour. Protein is essential for growth and muscle repair, and guess what, none of the protein in coconut flour is gluten!
Healthy Fats: Coconut flour also contains approximately 9% fat, mostly medium chain triglycerides which are easily digestible for energy. The high proportion of lauric acid in the fat bestows it with a host of desirable properties.
How do I use coconut flour?
Coconut flour is ideal for making gluten-free baked goods like breads, brownies, muffins and cakes. There is a catch, however. Coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid, hence you only need to use a small amount of it alongside ingredients that provide a lot of moisture, e.g., applesauce, carrots, coconut milk, almond milk, milk and eggs. A lot of eggs.
#Food & Drink #baking #Food guides & reviews #coconut #gluten-free #healthy baking #coconut flour
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