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5 Cauliflower Hacks We Love

5 Cauliflower Hacks We Love

Cauliflower is full of immunity-boosting vitamins and it tastes great! This versatile brassica is enjoying its moment in the limelight right now, thanks to its reputation as a tasty, low carb veg. Forget the bland, boiled cauliflower you suffered as a kid - here are 5 cauliflower hacks we love:

1. Cauliflower Pizza Base

Our favourite-ever cauliflower hack! Substitute dough for a healthy, low calorie pizza base made from raw cauliflower. Just blitz half a raw cauliflower in a food processor until it looks like rice. Add a clove of crushed garlic and 2tbsp of olive oil. Press down into baking tray with the back of a spoon, and cook in the over for around 20 minutes until it starts to brown. Then add your tomato sauce and usual toppings - seriously, it'll taste amazing!

2. Cauliflower Mash

Eat as much of this mash as you like without feeling guilty and bloated! Boil the cauliflower until tender, whizz it up in a blender or mash it like a potato, add some garlic, paprika or whatever takes your fancy...

3. Cauliflower Couscous

Blitz raw cauliflower in a food process until it looks like couscous - add a lemon, parsley, olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Perfect as a side, salad...or just munch away for a healthy snack

4. Cauliflower Tortillas

Everyone loves tortillas, but not everyone has tried cauliflower tortillas. When blended, mixed with egg, part-baked and fried, this amazing veg provides a top Mexican treat with a twist.

5. Cauliflower Bread

There are many different types of bread you can make with cauliflower - flatbread, garlic bread bites or a loaf of good old-fashioned bread. just try Googling Cauliflower Bread - you'll be amazed by all the recipes that come up!

We surprised ourselves with some of these cauliflower hacks, but they taste great and are super-healthy for us too. Have you got any more tasty cauliflower hacks to share? We'd love to hear if so - leave a comment below.

  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #Gluten free   #health   #clean eating   #food hacks   #cauliflower   #couscous   #tortillas

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